Job Indonesia Site

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

How to Find Teen Jobs Online

Finding a job online can be difficult for teen job seekers. The big boards cater to adult job seekers and very few post jobs specifically for teens. There are however a few job board out there that were created by teens and for teens. Getting started with your online job search is very easy. Here are the steps you will need to take.

- Step one - Find the job board that is best for you and register there. There are boards for teens only. My advice is to use a search engine and search on teen jobs or summer jobs. If you register with a niche teen board you will not be competing with adults for the same position. Make sure you fill out all of the information requested. The more information you provide the better off you will be. Keep in mind that employers view hundreds of these online applications, so you need to give your profile some personality and make sure that you stand out.

- Step two - Sign up for job alerts. This is a service that will email you when a job gets posted meeting your specific criteria.

- Step three - Follow through and apply to all jobs in your area and make sure you supplied your cell phone and email information. When you apply it is a good idea to submit a personalized cover letter and a resume as well. This will help you separate yourself from the other applicants who simply fill out the application.

Good luck in your teen jobs search.

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Your Anger is Killing Your Chances (At Getting a Job)

Lots of our clients "come in" angry. Getting laid off after years of service is not fun. Most of our clients were looking forward to staying with the company until they wished to leave. Most of them feel they have a "right: to be angry. Well, they do have a right to be angry in the same way as they have a right to take a gun and blow off their right toe. And that probably has less real world consequences than your anger at your (now former) employer.

Anger manifests in many ways. The first and most stupid of all these ways is with a lawsuit. Except for the lawyers, nobody wins in a lawsuit. Whether you prevail or not, a lawsuit is a public record. Future prospective employers can "Google" you and the lawsuit will pop up, especially if they use one of the many background checking companies who knows how to do searches for such. An employer would be nuts to hire you. You've proven that, if things don't go your way, you're going to sue.

Most employers know that filing a suit against an employer is a very career limiting move. Therefore, threatening or having your attorney threaten usually is just plain not useful. They'll know you're probably bluffing.

And, keep in mind that employees very rarely prevail in suits against employers. Their attorneys are better than the ones you can likely afford, and few attorneys take these types of suits on contingency. So...expressing your anger through the legal system is a waste of your time.

"Badmouthing" your former employer is also a very career limiting move. It will get around that you are badmouthing the former employer, and new prospective employers will simply wonder if they are next on the list.

It is incredibly short-sighted in this time to say anything bad about anyone. You do not know how far or deep their influence goes, or how well known they are. For example, my roots in Denver go back 50 years. My family has been very well known in a variety of arenas. Badmouthing me, for example, would simply reflect poorly on the person badmouthing me. My reputation here is solid, and many people who know me would defend me....making the credibility of the person badmouthing me very shaky. And you never know, when you badmouth an employer, if the same reality is present. Don't ever say anything negative about anyone unless you have a professional responsibility to do so. Even then, tread carefully.

Do not file sexual harassment complaints, discrimination complaints, ADA complaints or other kinds of complaints against employers. Yes, sexual harassment occurs, discrimination is common, and the disabled get a raw deal. But these sorts of complaints are very easy to discover in the referencing process that goes on prior to an offer. Many employers will pass on an employee who has filed any kind of EEO complaint, no matter how valid.

The reason is simple. EEO complaints are often used to strike back at managers who discipline employees. This is especially true of sexual harassment complaints. Employers do not want to hire trouble or conflict into their organizations. Who can blame them?

If you are being sexually harassed or discriminated against, put your anger on hold and simply move on. First, no job is worth the hassle of the investigations, the shunning by other employees, and the wariness of your employers. Secondly, most of these complaints don't go anywhere. The nature of most sexual harassment is that it is done privately. It is often a matter of "he said, she said." While, in the past, the alleged victim was simply believed, and the alleged perpetrator punished, this is no longer feasible. Several alleged perpetrators filed suits against companies that disciplined them without evidence...and won. This is, all evidence to the contrary, still America, and people must have due process. If you are getting unwanted sexual attention....quit and move on. You'll be much happier than if you try to make trouble, no matter how valid that trouble may be.

(Yes, I know that feminist groups will beat me up for what I've just said about sexual harassment. Let me be clear: I have a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the company I run. I am being pragmatic, not ideological. If you have to choose between the two, pragmatic is better.)

But the anger issue goes beyond carrying out anger in lawsuits, grievances and badmouthing. It is career suicide to hang on to that anger when you're interviewing for a job. The fury that you feel...the sense of injustice...will come through to employers.

This is a problem I often see in my middle aged and older workers. They are angry because they don't think that they should have to be looking for a job at their age. They are angry because they see younger people getting promoted when they may have reached the apex of their careers. They're angry because they think they're being discriminated against in interviews due to their age.

But this is operating in the same entitlement I see in younger workers who feel that they should be making $100K right out of college. It is petty and downright stupid. This kind of entitlement has, unfortunately, swept across America in many ways. But the very people who descry the entitlement attitude of people regarding government are often the angriest because they feel "entitled" to not be looking for a job and so on.

And it is picked up instantly by employers. Having this anger or having desperation are the two most rapid ways to destroy your chances of employment. Employers who pick up anger in a potential employee know that they are hiring problems. And who wants to hire a problem? Enough of those come along without hiring them, too.

Get Rid Of Your Anger

You must get rid of your anger if you hope to wind up employed anytime soon. Your anger is irrational, anyway, as well as physically harmful to you. Here are a few tips for letting go of your anger.

1). What are you angry about anyway? You did not have a right to the job you held. It was a privilege given to you by the employer/ If you want to have control over your life 3/4 go into business for yourself. While this does not give you total control, it is better than working for the Man. One of my CEO friends, Preston Wilson, points out that, so long as you work for the Man, you are vulnerable and at that person's beck and call.

You chose the life of working in a corporation for someone else. Getting laid off or terminated is one of the possible consequences of that decision. If you don't like the potential consequences (and everything has potential consequences), chose another path.

But don't allow your angry emotions to rule you when one of the very real potential consequences of being an employee comes about. That job was not your right. You weren't entitled to it.

2). Accept this time as a gift. This is a great gift from the Universe, whether you realize it or not. It is your forced chance to re-evaluate your life and see if you need to travel some different roads. Rather than being angry about this, be grateful to God or the Universe or whatever that you have been given this chance.

I've known lots of people in life who haven't been given this kick in the ass, and they have retired frustrated and depressed. They have heads full of regrets and wishes that they are too old to do. Not you! You have been given this opportunity while you're still young enough to actually do those things you have been wishing to do.

I can hear the "money" objection. But "money" is always an excuse. There is always money to do those things you truly wish to do, and never money to do those things about which you are ambivalent.

You may have a few physical limitations. But most of what you truly wish to do in life you are going to be able to do.....if you get off of your dead ass and get started on them. And the gift your former employer just gave you is the kick in the seat of the pants to do just that.

3). Laugh at yourself (and others who are angry about being laid off). It is just plain silly to be angry at being terminated or laid off. At worst, you did things to lead to it. Don't do them again. At best, you were caught in an industry storm. You might as well be mad at a hurricane!

4). Find creative ways to make ends meet. Most of my readership has some cushion. For those of you who don't, find creative ways to make money.

A friend of a client/friend of mind was laid off. His wife had been making custom bracelets with custom messages on them for friends for years. He knew a bit about the internet, and put up a website for her.

Well, he got a new job, but soon had to quit. His wife's little business was bringing in so much money, and growing so fast that everyone in the family had to get involved. Getting laid off gave this family a family business, and a great deal more freedom, both financially and time-wise.

Get A Job Outta Your Head

Too many people think that they need a "j-o-b" to make money. I haven't had a job since I've been 23 (with a brief, miserable, 2 year exception). Obviously, I'm not starving.

Oh sure, it would be nice sometimes to have guaranteed vacation days and sick days, to have better benefits than small businesses can get in our backward country, and so on. But I would never want to work for anyone!

Now, what this means is that I'm constantly interviewing for a job. Bringing new clients in is very similar to a job interview...several times a month. If I don't succeed, I don't pay the bills, and I get cranky creditors. Yet, I would prefer to cut off vital parts of my anatomy to having a (spit) job. Why would I want to enslave my body and mind in that way?

Now, this philosophy isn't for everyone. But the philosophy that someone else needs to give them a job is simply foolish...and short-sighted. So long as you are counting on another person to take care of you financially, you are enslaved!

Rather than simply looking for a job, look at the dozens of ways that one can make money without a job. One might engage you enough that you will gain the courage to get out of the rat race and be your own man or woman.

Remember...even if you win in the rat're still a rat.

Look at life a bit differently. Let go of your anger. Get creative. You'll be better for it at the end.

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Top 15 Effective Tips For Job Search

Looking for a new job is a challenging and a very daunting process. Each and every step taken in the process should be professional, appropriate, and focused. For this it is very important to have a mindset of what you want so that you can easily get away from the midst of job search. There are many other factors that play a crucial role when searching for your dream job.

Here are some of the most effective tips for job search:

1. The first thing to remember is that your first impression will make a huge difference and in case of a job search it is made through an effective resume. Make your resume clear and precise yet expressive and communicative. Ensure that it is free of errors and full of key essentials like your credibility, your worth, your skills, and your years of experience.

2. If in case you find it difficult to prepare an appropriate resume you can get in touch with some job consultancy that can help you build an effective resume. These days there are many such companies and online portals that offer resume making services at cost-effective prices.

3. Look for appropriate jobs rather than applying for all the available jobs in the market. You very well know your qualifications so apply only for those where you feel you are the best matched candidate.

4. Don't run for too many good jobs but select few best jobs and apply for the same.

5. Explore your possibilities by posting your resume online, browsing online job portals, searching through newspapers, and even attending job fairs.

6. These days there are many good job portals that make your job search easier and better. You can take help of search engines to learn about such websites and portals.

7. Use your contacts to follow the best job in the market. Many times the most demanding and fruitful jobs are not advertised but if you have a strong business network and social contacts as well you may get a chance to apply for the job and get a footstep into the specified company.

8. Be confident and follow up. Don't be afraid to call the employer for any kind of feedback or follow-up as it improve your chances of getting employed.

9. When going for an interview make sure that you are dressed up smartly in formal clothing.

10. Ensure that you reach at the interview spot on time and are well prepared for the same.

11. Be generous and pass on a thank you message after the interview or the business meeting.

12. Be smart enough to answer all the queries of the employer. Any kind of hesitation and ignorance of work related information will take you down the drain.

13. Stay moving with the corporate world. You should be well aware of all the happenings in the corporate sector so that you know well where to hit and when. You also get to learn more about the companies and then it becomes easier for you to select the best company for job hunt.

14. Don't lose hope and give up. At times the job market is really tough and it becomes difficult to get a fruitful job but continue with your efforts to pluck jobs from the market.

15. Keep all the references ready to give to the interviewers. References have become very important these days because of the fast competition in the corporate world. Every company is in search for grabbing the best candidate.

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What is a Geologist's Salary on an Oil Rig?

Are you thinking about taking up a Geology major in college? It is not a bad course, and prospects are pretty good overall. Employment opportunities look pretty solid for the next few decades, strongly supported by world economic fundamentals. After all, geologists are the people who find new deposits of oil, gas, metals and minerals - all of them raw materials in great demand from both developed countries (e.g. the USA and Europe) and developing countries (especially China and India). The major employers of geologists are the government sector, the mining industry and the oil/gas industry.

So, what is a geologist' salary on an oilrig? According to a 2008 survey by American Geologic Institute, it ranges from $80,000 to $100,000 for a fresh Geology graduate with a relevant Masters degree. Another survey by the University of Houston in 2007 indicated that experienced petroleum geologists (10 years and up) earn an average salary of $132,132 a year. Those are increases of 50% for new geologists on offshore oil platforms and 23% for experienced geologists prospecting for oil since 2003/2004. This is a salary range that can turn the CEOs of many small companies green with envy.

But it is now the summer of 2010 and we have just exited one major recession and hit a major bump in the road because of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Surely there must be some impact for a geologists working offshore? Well, if you are graduating (or a veteran looking for a new employer) today, there will probably be some artificial downward pressure on your pay. But seriously, the demand for oil workers and people who can find oil is not dependent on the short-term status of the economy. The demand for skilled geologists and other rig workers has historically depended on the price of oil. Just look at the Roaring '80s, where the economy was booming but the price of oil was low. Oil companies and drilling contractors were laying off workers left and right. Look at our recent recession for an example of the opposite - the price of oil remained strong ($60 to $70 per barrel) despite the weak economy. Although they laid off workers on less productive land-based oil fields, they hired workers for newer and more lucrative offshore oil fields.

Fundamentally, there are three major reasons why a geologist will still continue to earn the big bucks for the next 10, 20 or even 30 years. The first is that it is difficult to train a good geologist. 20,000 students enrol in Geology each year, but only 2,800 graduate with the needed specialties to look for oil. Geology is a four-year course, and it is not easy to pass. Besides, a field geologist is not someone who lives above the clouds in an ivory tower. He is, frequently, someone who must travel long distances, face both man-made and natural danger, and work in difficult situations. In some ways, he is closer to Indiana Jones (except with a Geology degree instead of an Archaeology degree) than he is to Einstein.

A second major reason for the continued strong demand for Geology graduates is that many old, experienced oil geologists are now in their 40s, 50s or 60s. The previously cited University of Houston survey also discovered that 72% of oil workers are above 40. Most of them were last hired in the last oil boom in the 1970s, and are the survivors of the oil glut of the 1980s. Those who left the oil industry went to more stable government jobs (or to work for the mining companies) in the mass lay-offs. Any good oil company CEO knows that a good petroleum geologist who can find him a new oil field is worth as much as the Marketing director or Finance Director.

The third big reason is that oil is an important fuel and raw material for modern plastics, etc. Even if greener technologies (e.g. hydroelectricity, solar panels and wind turbines) overtake oil in importance, there is no replacement for the use of oil to create all the different kinds of plastic in use today. By the way, if you are so worried about green energy supplanting oil, consider these facts:

* Solar panels are made of plastic (synthesized from petroleum) and silicon;
* The bodies of wind turbines are largely made of plastic;
* The heavy vehicles and equipment used for building hydroelectric dams, mining aluminium (for wind turbine blades) and silicon (for solar panels) are usually diesel-powered;
* The trains, ships and trucks used to move the raw materials (e.g. aluminium and silicon) from the mines to the factory for processing all run on diesel.

Basically, good petroleum geologists are in great demand. Among their most important duties is helping to find new sources of oil. Their salaries will remain high for a good, long time to come.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Kick Start Your Nursing Career With a CNA Job

CNAs or Certified Nursing Assistants are in high demand in the healthcare industry. A nurse's aide has the responsibility of helping nurses with duties that they have around the workplace. Not only is it a great way to get into nursing, but it is also a great way for you to discover what area of specialization you want to study once you become a registered nurse. The fact that they are in high demand makes it easier for you to become a nursing assistant as there are many places that offer such courses, even for free. Nevertheless, there are courses online that you can easily start with, even the full time courses are not very expensive and are offered in various areas of the world.

You can apply as a part time nursing assistant's job also; it is great if you are also pursuing some other course towards becoming a fully fledged nurse. The functions of a nurse's assistant are wide and varied but do not deal with giving any form of medication to patients. Also apart from the more sensitive tasks of a patient's care, a CNA delivers on most functions like cleaning, moving and taking notes on most of the patient's comforts.

A nurse's assistant's job is also to keep an eye on the progress of a patient. As they do that they are also given the responsibilities of keeping time tables not just for the patients but also for the doctors and nurses. There are also a lot of things that a CNA has to look at when it comes to general paperwork that doctors and nurses need to handle. A close firsthand experience of most of the functions of a fully registered nurse and also the understanding of healthcare is a vita experience that CNAs get.

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Women's Career Advancement - How You Can Truly Succeed

Modern women are ambitious and tough in all facets of their lives including careers, so when it comes to women and career advancement you'll find that many corporate females fail to advance in their career due to the fact that they simply don't trust their abilities and undervalue their worth. They seem to have no idea of how they can use their accomplishments and skills to their advantage. Corporate women practicing in the healthcare field who are quite ambitious and determined in advancing their careers to higher levels, need to create a strategy and plan to ensure that they achieve their aspirations. This will also help them beat competition by staying ahead of colleagues and peers. They have to make their boss acknowledge their unique contribution in terms of talent, strengths and overall worth in the healthcare industry. There are a number of ways for women careerists to advance their chances of success.

Many women fail to focus on their personal talents, strengths, skills, accomplishments, and individual worth in particular areas, they instead focus their energies trying to improve areas they feel need more attention. For a woman to advance her career and chances of success, she has to identify her strengths, unique talents, center her concentration there and play those positive strong points. Try to be a star in the office by seeking solutions to problems other than just pointing to problems and playing a blame game. Look after issues in the office that require to be addressed and find ways than your team and you can fix it out.

Good, factual and focused communication skills greatly assist women and chances of career advancement increase and also become realizable. Effective communication not only helps in career advancement chances but greatly assist in facing job interviews. Effective communication helps people develop powerful resumes and cover letters that speak volumes and this greatly increases their chances of getting a job. Superb communication skills will help you sell yourself effectively in the job interview, because of your clear, concise manner. Good communication skills need to be backed by other skills to increase a woman's career advancement potential. So, continues training is a plus factor here.

The dress code is also a thing that speaks volumes about a person. Therefore appropriate and professional dressing will probably increase a woman's career advancement success potential. Having a polished image could make a significant difference between the hiring firms overlooking you or giving you the job. Women need to dress professionally so as to give positive impressions in the workplace; this is a reality even if the company hiring you has a casual dress code. Ensure that your business wear represents the image you want portrayed. You will never go wrong with modest and decent business attires that present a corporate look. Who wants to appear overdressed or the opposite. Ensure that you go for quality attires when shopping for the workplace wardrobe, go for clothes that coordinate well and portrays a professional look. The feet too can't be ignored and your shoes ought to complement your outfit by all means, they just must be stylish but not fancy, you ain't a hooker REMEMBER. Go for something that wont hurt your feet, it has to be comfortable enough.

Career advancement and success for a woman means being punctual, committed, dependable and obedient to your superiors. Most firms will overlook you if you are a notorious latecomer and will never consider you for career advancement opportunities.

 Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Glass Ceiling Blues - What Successful Women Executives Won't Tell You During Their Exit Interview

By Steven Grant

The Customer Research Center (CRC) recently talked with two incredibly successful female professionals about the dirty little Fortune 500 secret that everyone knows about and no one talks about. One of these women, President of her own Internet consulting firm, is a living definition of smarts and tenacity; successfully shepherding her team through the Dot.Com crash and into custom website design efforts for high end brands. The other woman is just starting her own consulting firm; bailing out of a Fortune 500 with one client in tow to launch her own business. Our conversation focused on the large numbers of highly competent aspiring women executives, poised between one or two decades of grinding servitude and the upper echelon rewards bestowed on the top 1%, who are turning their pumps away from the golden ladder and taking the stairs out.

These cadres of highly skilled, highly intelligent next generation CEO's are walking away from the promise of rewards for the certitude of rewarding themselves. Their standard exit line to the puzzled companies who were just getting ready to tap them on the shoulder for that next promotion is: "I'd like to spend more time with my family." What these two career women clued us in to is that line is just a line, the real reason is too awful to reveal. Both of these successful, intelligent women knew that if they told the truth they would be stoned-no, scratch that, that interview was in Iran-they knew they could never go back to the company afterward, if they ever wanted their old jobs back.

The real reason these women are leaving is because the corporate ladder provides an escalator for the men and a greased pole for the women. Yes, Virginia, Santa Claus still thinks you should be baking gingerbread cookies, not running the $1.7 billion toy manufacturing facility in Guangdong.

There is a fundamental cultural distinction at the heart of this unfairness. Women believe in meritocracy, men believe in winning. When a project falls apart a woman is likely to say, "I wasn't a good enough leader." If a project succeeds a woman is likely to say, "I had a great team." We're hoping we don't need to spell out the logical inversion of those statements that would tumble from the tongues of men.

A male executive, hearing these statements from women, begins to think, "Maybe she isn't a good enough leader" or "Maybe the team is carrying her." The male executives, in similar circumstances, are naturally inclined to braggadocio, back slapping, feather preening, and urinating on their beards-no, no that was the article about pygmy goats-to focus attention on them and garner as much credit as possible for the minimum investment of their own energy. This is simple Darwinian logic copied over the millennia from the genes of our woolly ancestors.

In reality most firms are still hierarchical patriarchies, even when they're run by women, and far from the meritocracies for which these women originally forsook hearth and home in search of a career. Instead of saying, "I'd like to spend more time with my family." these women want to say, "I'm sick of all the incompetent jackasses getting the promotions because they kiss your behind. I could make better decisions in less time than it takes them to zip up their pants."

So someone has to tell these clueless guys the truth before they burn out the next generation of females. Wake up and make some coffee guys. There's a clear choice between the Tao of blissfully ignorant backslapping devolution and a whole new generation of career women who are going to skip the butt kissing part and go right for the kicking.

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