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Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Cara Kreatif Cari Lowongan Kerja

Sulitnya mencari pekerjaan menuntut anda untuk lebih kreatif dalam mencari informasi lowongan kerja. Jika anda ingin cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan, ternyata jangan hanya membaca lowongan kerja yang diiklankan. Lalu bagaimana caranya mencari lowongan kerja yang tidak diiklankan? Gampang kok, baca dong informasi berikut ini :
Rajin-rajinlah membaca berita bisnis di surat kabar lokal atau bisa juga kalau anda sekalian membaca surat kabar khusus bisnis. Dengan demikian anda akan memperoleh informasi suatu perusahaan yang ingin melakukan ekpansi atau mengembangkan bisnisnya. Pengembangan bisnis atau ekspansi biasanya membuka peluang bagi karyawan baru. Kemudian anda bisa mencari tahu alamat lengkap perusahaan itu dengan menanyakan pada surat kabar yang bersangkutan. Dan jangan tunggu lama-lama lagi segera kirim deh lamaran ke perusahaan tersebut.

Tanyakan kepada siapa saja yang anda kenal, terutama teman-teman anda yang sudah bekerja. Tanyakan tentang kemungkinan lowongan pekerjaan di tempat mereka bekerja. Umumnya mereka sudah mengetahui informasi lowongan pekerjaan di kantornya sebelum informasi itu diiklankan. Tetapi jangan terpaku bertanya kepada mereka yang bestatus staff saja. Kadang satpam dan cleaning service juga sudah tahu 'bocoran' ini lebih dulu.

Buka buku atau direktori yang memuat daftar perusahaan. Kemudian carilah perusahaan yang kira-kira bergerak di bidang yang sesuai dengan keahlian anda. Lalu telponlah perusahaan tersebut dan tanyakan kemungkinan adanya lowongan pekerjaan. Atau bisa juga kalau anda 'sok pede' dengan menanyakan, "Saya dengar di perusahaan ini sedang membutuhkan karyawan baru ya..?"

Bacalah jurnal perdagangan dan industri. Dengan cara ini anda akan lebih mengethui aktivitas dan tujuan suatu perusahaan yang berpengaruh pada masalah tenaga kerja. Memang cara ini membutuhkan banyak waktu dan usaha tapi informasi yang anda peroleh cukup bermanfaat bagi anda yang sedang hunting lowongan kerja

Pasang telinga dan mata anda lebar-lebar atas segala yang berbau informasi 'lowongan kerja'. Misalnya dengan memperhatikan dan mengamati perusahaan mana saja yang akan mempesiunkan karyawannya. Biasanya dengan adanya event pensiun berarti juga membuka peluang bagi pendatang baru untuk menggantikan karyawan yang sudah waktunya pensiun

Nah, kalau anda sudah mencoba cara-cara diatas paling tidak ada satu atau dua informasi lowongan kerja yang anda dapatkan. Tetapi kalau belum, harap sabar. Yang penting sudah berusaha

Sumber : Harian Ekonomi NERACA

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Is Your New Business Going to Make It?

"Owning my own business." It sounds like a wonderful idea: making your own choices, setting your own goals, keeping your own money. However, not every business makes it out of the starting blocks, and not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
Before you look outward to the benefits of owning your own business, look inward and make sure that you are 'entrepreneur material.' At the heart of every new business is the entrepreneur, the base upon which all other aspects of the business will rest. The qualities of this entrepreneur will be reflected in the ultimate success or failure of the new venture.

When larger firms looking for personnel advertise for a 'self starter', they are looking for someone with a key entrepreneurial ingredient. As your own boss, you will be responsible for 'getting out of your bed on your own' every morning. You may think that you already do this, but with no timeclock to punch, and no boss watching the door, it's very easy to come in a little later, leave a little earlier, or take a longer lunch break. Fledgling small business owners learn the hard way that their new-found freedom is more a state of mind than a state of body. In fact, studies show that people who own their own businesses often spend longer hours at their new business that they did when working for someone else.

 As an entrepreneur, you must have a healthy dose of self-confidence. You must be totally committed to your business idea, and then have the confidence to sell others (notably banks), on that idea. It takes single-minded determination to forge ahead, even when family or friends oppose the idea, or worse, ridicule it. An entrepreneur must maintain her confidence, even in the face of non-confidence votes from those closest to her.

 This same confidence carries over to the ability to take calculated risks. By their very nature, entrepreneurs are risk-takers. They move beyond their own status quo, constantly thinking ahead to new goals for their lives and businesses. To reach these goals, they confidently take risks, trusting in their own instincts and reactions.

 An entrepreneur is also a leader. Running your own business means that you are now 'the boss' and all the responsibilities of that position now fall upon you. You need to have an inner urge to direct, lead and be a manager of people. You'll need to be a good communicator, too. It's no good being the boss if you can't communicate with your employees.

 Most entrepreneurs are high in analytical ability. This is the ability to analyse - to extract the significant meaning or trend - from a situation, a problem, a report or a statistic. The successful entrepreneur is the one who saw the new market trend before her competitors did, or used her financial statements to emphasise the profitable side of the business, or recognised her buyer profile from her sales statistics.

 All would-be entrepreneurs must have the 3Rs. Ask yourself these three key questions:
1. Am I Resilient?  Can I bounce back after a bad decision, a rough sales week, or a slow market? Can I continue to operate with the same degree of enthusiasm with which I started? Or, am I easily discouraged when I encounter roadblocks on the way to attaining my goals?

2. Am I Resourceful? Can I live without my regular pay cheque and rely upon my own skills and abilities to create my income? Or do I get panicky and worried at the thought of an uncertain income?

3. Am I Resolute? Can I 'hang in there', stick it out, and give my business a chance to make it? Or do I tend to give up easily either through boredom or hardship?
Before you embark on your business venture, consider carefully the person who will be running that business. An entrepreneur can be anyone, but not everyone can be an entrepreneur.

If you decide that you are definitely the person to run her own small business, be aware of the five external reasons that most small businesses fail.

"Only five?", you may say. There are a myriad of reasons why small businesses have a high failure rate, but these five danger areas are early warning signs of trouble ahead for the new entrepreneur.

Lack of experience: It's surprising how many entrepreneurs leap into a business enterprise with little or no experience in that particular field. For every story of the woman who made a million in a brand new business, there are a million stories of the woman who found herself over her head in an unknown environment. Statistics show that you are more likely to be successful in a business in which you have personal experience. It makes sense: after all, few would-be programmers set up shop before they've learned how to turn on the computer.

Lack of money: Starting a business on a 'shoestring' sounds good, but more often than not, the shoestring proves to be too short! One of the soundest pieces of advice that an entrepreneur can heed is to make sure she has all her finances in place before she begins. Your financial resources must be sufficient to withstand the strain of start-up for the first year or so. A general rule-of-thumb is that you should have a cash flow position (money available), to enable you to survive at least three, and optimally, six bad months. When you estimate how much money you need to start your business, always estimate from a 'worst case' scenario. That way, there won't be any surprises six months down the road when the business is finally beginning to show promise, but your cash has dried up.

The wrong location: The real estate adage that 'location, location, location' are the three most important factors in selling a house also applies to your small business off line or online. You can have the greatest product in the country, but if your location if difficult to find, in an unsavoury neighbourhood, off the beaten track with no easy parking nearby, your product will remain the country's best-kept secret. A new business has enough difficulties in the first year without adding the burden of a poor location. Look for the best possible location for your new business, and give it the advantage it deserves.

Overhead too high: On the other hand, the best location in the world may be the worst choice for your business. Why? Because it may be too expensive for your business to carry. Some small business owners make the mistake of choosing locations that immediately burden their businesses with high overhead expenses - expenses like rents, leasing costs, utilities, maintenance fees, shared advertising and marketing costs. Being in a prime location such as a large shopping centre may guarantee a steady supply of customers, but most new businesses do not have the operating capital to cover these expenses until they win customer interest and loyalty. Rather than starting off with high overhead expenses, build the move to a more expensive location into your business plan. Consider it part of a natural expansion once the business is up and running, and generating revenues.

Taking too much out of the business: Everyone knows that you are not in business just for something to do. You expect your business to pay the mortgage and put bread on the table. However, simply dipping into the till everytime you need a few dollars is deceiving. You may think that you're only spending a minimal amount, but over the months, it quickly adds up to a substantial sum and a major drain on your working capital. It's vital that you control how much you take from the business for your own personal use. The best way to do this is pay yourself a regular 'salary', either a fixed amount each month or a percentage of the profits. In your initial cash-flow forecasting, count your personal drawings as a fixed expense, not as a flexible amount which depends entirely upon your own generosity.

If a new owner is experience is her chosen business field, if she is financially ready for any situation, if her business location if right for her enterprise, if she keeps overhead costs within reasonable limits, and if she has control over her own spends, then her business is on the right track for success.

No one says that starting and running a small business is easy, but the dangers are clearly marked by the experiences of those who have gone ahead. The forewarned entrepreneur is forearmed to avoid the costly mistakes that will put her business in jeopardy.

Originially published in Her Business magazine

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How to Hypnotize Your Supervisor

Has a new employee ever passed you up for a promotion? How can it be, you ask yourself, that the new upstart was promoted when everyone else in the company tells you that you deserved the promotion? The new employee did not have your track record for success, did not have the necessary credentials, and wasn't even close to matching your company loyalty?

Frustrated with the lack of answers, you attempt to obtain answers from management, which only causes additional frustration because they cannot explain it logically. Perturbed and discouraged you resort back to your old patterns of long work hours and hard work, in the hopes that one day all your hard work will be noticed, while you watch the new employee move up the company ladder with ease.

What do these "fast-tracking" employees have that gets them promotions, allows them to negotiate obstacles with ease, and charms the boss into giving them whatever they want? Do these employees hypnotize their supervisors by waving a watch in front of his or her eyes? Well, in a way...yes! A few employees have learned the subtle communication methods that cause their supervisors to be suggestible and receptive to direction-without waving a watch in front of their eyes.

The subtle communication skills that fast-tracking employees create do not affect their supervisors on the conscious level as much as they affect their supervisors on the unconscious level. Need proof that fast-tracking employees can influence their supervisors on the unconscious level? If the opportunity arises, simply ask a supervisor who has just given an employee a promotion, a raise, or special role within the company their rationale for their decision. If the supervisor can give you three good reasons for his decision, he probably has not been influenced at the unconscious level. However, if he cannot give you bona fide reasons for his decision or gets mad at you for questioning his judgment-it is likely that the employee unconsciously influenced him.

Want to learn what these fast-tracking employees know about unconscious communication? Then check into Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They combined different theories of language and neurology to form methods that have the potential to influence people at the unconscious level. I have summarized a few of the many techniques that NLP has developed.

1.) Rapport: Building rapport with your supervisor is more than talking about the same movie you saw over the weekend. Rapport building includes matching all your supervisor's body posture, energy levels, humor, styles, and gestures. It can also include matching breathing, voice tone, and language patterns. At the advanced levels it also includes matching values, beliefs, and objectives. Matching is not mimicking your supervisor's behavior, matching involves adopting similar patterns into your own style so that they appear natural versus mimicked.

One of NLP's theories is that the mind and body are all part of the same system; therefore, if you match your supervisor's verbal and non-verbal communication patterns, you are matching his or her thinking patterns-the highest form of rapport that you can establish.

Rapport is extremely important in business because business decisions are rarely reached on the value of technical merit, instead business decisions are developed in terms of relationships that have rapport.

2.) Pace: After you have matched enough of your supervisor's verbal and nonverbal communication, it's time to engage in pacing. Pacing is the process in which the nature of the communication changes from listening, to agreeing, to leading. Make sure that you have established your rapport before you attempt to lead a conversation.

3.) Outcome: After you have established your rapport and paced your supervisor to the point that you are leading the conversation, it is time to sell your manager on your compelling outcome. I am using the word "outcome" and purposely avoiding words such as "idea," "request," or "suggestion." It is important that you sell the outcome of what you want before you request what you want.

If you want to sell someone a $40,000 luxury car, you don't sell him the car you sell him on the benefits he will gain by owning the car. This sales technique will also work for you with your supervisor. Talk about the compelling outcomes before you talk with the supervisor about what you are requesting. A compelling outcome must be presented with energy, enthusiasm, and passion. Also, a compelling outcome is a win/win outcome for you, the supervisor, and the company.

4.) Anchor: Anchoring involves placing a positive feeling into your supervisor's memory about you. We all have people in our workplaces that cause us to cringe each time we see them or come into contact with them in meetings. People who cause us to wince have created a negative emotion anchored in our unconscious memory. As a fast-tracking employee, you cannot afford to create a negative emotion in your supervisor's memory. Therefore, if you do not obtain what you want from your supervisor-make sure you leave the meeting with a positive emotion anchored into your supervisor's unconscious memory.

The above four methods should help you to hypnotize your supervisor without using a watch on a string.

Happy Working,

Gary Vikesland, MA LP CEAP

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