Job Indonesia Site

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Jangan Pernah Lakukan Ini Di Facebook dan Twitter

Fenomena dari dunia situs pertemanan di mana seseorang bisa mem-posting foto mereka, hal-hal yang sangat detail mengenai kehidupan pribadi mereka. Situs seperti Facebook, MySpace, dan Twitter menjadi sangat populer karena fungsi tersebut. Demikian dilansir The Shine, pekan ini.

Namun ada beberapa hal yang tidak boleh Anda masukkan di dalam akun situs pertemanan Anda. Lihat daftar berikut:
*Tempat tanggal lahir
Anda bisa saja mengatakan kapan Anda lahir namun jika memasukkan tahun dan juga di mana Anda lahir ini sama saja memberikan identitas Anda kepada pencuri untuk membobol kehidupan finansial anda. Ini sering ditanyakan jika Anda ingin membuka akun rekening bank dan juga kartu kredit.
*Memberitahukan tempat liburan
Ini salah satu cara lain dengan mengatakan,” silakan rampok saya,” jika menulis status,” oh ya saya sedang ada di Hotel Ritz Carlton, bla-bla-bla di Twitter Anda. Silakan saja mem-postingFacebook saat Anda sudah kembali dari liburan namun jangan memberitahukan jika Anda akan pergi berlibur.
*Alamat rumah
Sebuah hasil studi menunjukkan yang dilansir Ponemon Institute menyatakan bahwa user dari sejumlah situs pertemanan memiliki risiko besar dalam hal pencurian identitas yang mereka pasang di media sosial pertemanan. Sebanyak 40 persen user memasukkan alamat rumah mereka.
Mungkin Anda tidak menyukai pekerjaan anda, berbohong mengenai pajak, menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang namun situs pertemanan bukan tempat untuk melakukan pengakuan. Berdasarkan hasil studi sebanyak 8 persen dari karyawan di sejumlah perusahaan dipecat karena salah menggunakan media sosial.
*Memberi petunjuk mengenai kata sandi
Jika Anda hendak memeriksa akun bank online Anda, sejumlah pertanyaan akan diajukan sebagai bentuk proteksi misalnya saja nama gadis ibu kandung, gereja di mana Anda menikah atau lagu favorit Anda. Jika Anda menyebutnya di profil Facebook ini berarti Anda memberikan petunjuk mengenai kata sandi Anda.
*Tingkah laku yang aneh
Balap-balapan atau merokok seperti kereta api? Sejumlah perusahaan asuransi kini meneliti perilaku calon kliennya jika saja mereka memiliki perangai yang bisa membahayakan kesehatan mereka


Stress... and that new job interview

Perhaps you're a new entrant into the job market who is lacking experience in job interviewing. Or perhaps you're a job market veteran whose resumes and cover letters yield loads of interviews but you never seem to get the offer job. And the leading mistake in interviewing is not being fully prepared. It behooves job seekers to use every conceivable means possible to prepare for the interview and to allow ample time to fully prepare. Understand that interviewing is a skill, preparation practice and enhance the quality of that skill. Preparation can make the difference between getting an offer and rejected.

There is no one's best way to prepare for an interview. Rather, there are specific and important strategies to enhance one's chances for interview success. Every interview is a learning experience, so learning that takes place during the preparation and actual interview is useful for future interviews.

Unless you spend your entire life being a housewife and mother, you will probably have to go on a job interview at one point or another. Even those who decide to be a stay-at-home mother will want to have some work experience either before they leave college, or perhaps after their children have grown. Even though interviews are very common, and you must have one before you can get a job, and they tend to be one of the most daunting things that you can do when it comes to your career or your finances. There is something about being put on display and tested that makes people weary.

I don't know a single person who enjoys a job interview. I know some people who always seem to walk out of a job interview with a huge smile on their face knowing that they landed the position. I don't enjoy having to answer questions while under pressure and knowing that someone is sitting in front of me judging me by my answers. Finding wans to relieve the stressseems to be the biggest problem. I mean what if I completely lose my train of thought but know that I am more than suited for a particular job? A simple job interview shouldn't determine my entire employment future, but all too often, that is what those question and answer sessions actually do.

With a bit of research and a tiny amount of practice, you will be the one walking out of the job interview with a confident smile on your face. Almost anyone you find can give you some of job interview advice. Every tidbit of information is always helpful, especially if it's coming from someone who already works for the company you are interviewing with. The absolute best job interview advice that you can get from anyone is to do some research on the company first. The last thing you want to do is interview with a company that you are not familiar with. Familiarizing yourself with the company allows you to be better prepared to answer questions and possible even do a little bit of the asking. Find out how large the company is, when it began, exactly what they do, and jot down a few questions to ask of them as well. Asking questions is a great way to let the interviewer know that you have done your homework and are interested in learning more. It's the potential employee that sits there and simply nods that won't get a second chance.

The most important thing you have to consider about a job interview is that everyone who wants the position you are applying for has to do one. How you fare during your job interview will depend on how nervous you are, and how prepared you are. You may walk into an interview thinking that it is going to be easy, but if you do that, you may find that no one will want to hire you. You have to know what is going on in what you want to say in order for a job interview to be successful

During a job interview, you're going to have lots of questions thrown at you, some simple and others that are designed to make you think. My personal favorite is, "Tell me about yourself." I guarantee they don't want to hear about your love of superheroes or dogs, or enjoying sleeping until
noon on the weekends. Stick to the basics and try to talk more about your professional personality. The best job interview advice that I offered received is asking questions of your own. Appear interested in the company. Ask why the position you're interviewing for is available, what the growth opportunity is.

Make sure you have the proper things with you when you go on a job interview. Always dressed in a professional manner, even if you think the dress code for that particular job is casual. You should always be wearing nice clothes, and never wear jeans to a job interview unless you are instructed to do so. Also make sure that you have an updated and error-free résumé with you, and also have some questions about the job in the company ready to ask the interviewer when given the chance.

Most important thing to remember about a job interview is that if you put too much stress on yourself you are going to fail miserably. Though the interview is an important part of getting the job, you have to look at it for what it is. Either you are qualified for the position or you are not. The more relaxed you can become about a job interview, the better your going to be when you are talking to a potential employer. Remember that a job interview is not only to decide if you are right for the job, it is also to decide if the job is right for you. You may go through an interview in realize that the job is not what you thought it was, and you may not want it no matter how good or bad the job interview may go.

Lastly, this is very important that is too open to be neglected. It's the thank you note or follow-up letter. It is your chance to say again something you mentioned on the interview or bring up something you forgot to mention. It is also a nice gestures and a simple matter of politeness.

By crizza reyes

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Tips on Combating Nervousness During a Job Interview

Combating nervousness is essential if you want to appear calm, confident and employable at a job interview. Nerves can only get the best of you if you let them. When is the last time you were nervous over something? You didn't stay nervous forever. You may have even felt silly afterward for being nervous in the first place. The same is true with job interviews. You may have a twinge of nervousness at the start of the interview but you will feel calm and silly afterward.

The key to combating nervousness is to be prepared. With adequate preparation, you will be confident. As we all know, confidence leaves little room for nervous jitters. The following tips will help you out.

Preparation Before The Interview

Before you go to any interview, be sure to learn all you can about the company you are interviewing with. Study about their products, their services and the history of the company. Think about how you will fit in with the company. Think about the position you are applying for from the company’s perspective. What questions do you think they will ask?

Mock interviews are a great way to get prepared. Have a friend or family member ask you interview questions and critique your responses. Go over your resume. Is it accurate? Is it honest? Make sure that it emphasizes your skills, experiences and qualifications.

Get organized. Gather all of your materials the night before and pack them neatly in a professional carrying case. Figure out what you're going to wear and lay it out. Be sure to go to bed early and get enough sleep so that you will not feel groggy during your interview.

Make It a Positive Experience

Think only positive thoughts before your interview and as you enter the building. Don't worry about not getting the job. You should view an interview as a learning experience. After all, it is very common to attend numerous job interviews before landing a job. Don't be too hard on yourself.

If your interview is less than favorable, shake it off and vow to do better next time. Don't allow yourself to get depressed over things you can't change. Stay alert and pay attention to the interview and the conversation at hand. Be Truthful. Never try to fake or chat your way through difficult questions and topics.

Combating nervousness is easy if you prepare in advance. Stay calm and determined and you will land the job of your dreams.

By CK Tan

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Ways to Make Money Without a Job

Tre Cool, the renowned drummer of the American band 'Green Day' says, I never completed high school and I am very rich and very successful. Education is important, but it's not mandatory to have a regular job to be successful. A daily 9 - 6 working hours doesn't always guarantee you to step upwards in the ladder of success. You need to explore your caliber and channelize all your efforts in the direction you want to go. It can be music or sports, painting or acting. The beginning might not be walk through a bed of roses, but hard work can definitely make you successful. The other option to make money without a job is to begin with certain activities that will fetch you dollars and later you can make a change. Mentioned below, are the easy ways to make money without a job.

Quick Ways to Make Money Without a Job

Earning money can be easy if you are well informed about different money making ideas that can earn you a living. The ways to make money without a job can be achieved by pursuing your hobby as a career or taking up some temporary work available in the society. Few good ways to make money without a job are noted in the following content.

Creative Instinct
If you have creative abilities, just explore them! Use your painting, singing or dancing skills to teach others. Put up hoardings or advertise online. Be patient and see the results. Teaching handicrafts and photography is a good option to make money fast.

This one of the best ways to make money online. Just start a blog having relevant content, news and latest buzz. Sign for Google AdSense, to get posted with ads. Every time the ad gets clicked, it will fetch you bucks.

If you have a passion for writing, opt for online freelance writing. There are numerous websites that look for freelance writers. Join their site and work from home. Choose the topics you are passionate about, to bring out the best in you.

Sounds big! Starting a business requires more intelligence than money. If you have inclination for business, plan for a joint venture with your relatives or close friends. Women can start pickle business, design boutiques and crafts. Men can opt for software or delivery business. The quickest way to make money is to start a website business.

One of the best ways for college students to make money is to take up some teaching classes. You might have passed out immediately and looking for jobs. Make an attempt to take coaching classes on subjects you are good at. You can also opt for online tutorship.

You have in depth knowledge about computers and systems. So why not start a software or hardware center? This is one of the great ways to make money. Within a few months you will find large number of kids and students gathering at your center to learn computer. Advertise about the courses in newspapers, hoardings, television and on Internet.

Departmental Store
Working part time at departmental stores is one of the easiest ways to make money. Retail outlets, grocery stores, book stores, etc. offer part time jobs. This gives you an exposure to dealing with customers and will add experience in the future.

Some other sources of income are baby sitting, home delivery, vehicle washing, shoveling snow, pet care, yard cleaning, driver and bar tending. Go ahead with writing ebook, reviews, web designing, selling products and freebie trading, if you are looking for ways to make money on the side through Internet.

I hope you have got sufficient information in the list of ways to make money. Use your talents wisely, instead of sitting idly and waiting for a pile of cash flowing to you. All the best!

By Saptakee Sengupta

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Office Jobs - A Way to Get Salaried Professionally

There are so many types of jobs that can be possible in an office. The jobs can vary in degree of efforts also. There can be both team work as well individual. In modern offices most of the job opportunities are open to you if you are good in usage of computers.There can be opportunities related to finance, there can also be wide space related to marketing, insurance, loans, jobs regarding real estate and mortgages are very common in offices in the modern times. It is easy to start from first step by learning and making money side by side.

Let us go through these job descriptions. The toughest work in an office is that of customer service. This needs a person to be very vigilant regarding the needs of the customers. One has to be much disciplined when dealing with the customers. Another possibility in an office is that of the credit correspondent. The basic of the credit correspondent is to deal with those customers who are willing to have some credit.

The job is to keep a record of the personal information and the credit status.Another job is that of a receptionist who welcomes everybody at the office. He /She make the new comers and the visitors comfortable in the waiting room and also provide general information to the visitors. Other more prestigious work on office are that of the office manger and sales in charge etc. Thus one needs to rely and have faith on these specifications.

This article deals with the various job descriptions. It primarily focuses on the office job descriptions.

By Charles Danial

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Strategic Planning In The Business World

Strategic planning is a method of planning events in a strategic manner in order to accomplish the goal at hand. This type of planning works by looking at the whole picture you then figure out how you are to get from one place to another. Probably the most important example of strategic planning is that which is done in the military. In this example, we could say that the strategy is to overtake an area while the tactical planning is how you will fight each battle. The strategy is the plan to get through the whole picture.

Now, take this to the leave of business strategic planning. Strategic planning can work in a number of ways in a business environment. For example, you may want to make a plan to get the business from one level to the next. Depending on what that is, you can make a plan that the business will follow to achieve the end results. Here are some ways in which this type of planning can be put into place.

• Financial aspects such as profit, loss, increasing sales or lowering costs.
• In human resources, you can devise a strategic plan to recruit new hires, to promote individuals, to staff a location quickly.
• Also, you can use strategic planning in your business marketing plans. How you will market, where you will market, and how much you will spend in those areas are all determined through the strategic planning.

Like any other thing in business, though, you also have to have back ups when it comes to your strategic plan not working. This will help you to find the right choices each time. Because you will have something in place to handle things when they go bad, you will feel more confident about your plans. Strategic planning is something that any company or business can use quite effectively.
Strategic planning
Information on Strategic planning. Including advice, help and links to other advice sites.

By leon c

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